Saturday, April 26, 2025
6-10 pm
Bearden Banquet Hall
5806 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN
$40 per person/$75per couple/$350 per Table of 10
Silent Auction, Live Music and Cash Bar start at 6:00 pm
Dinner at 6:30 pm followed by live auction & awards presentation
You're invited
The Circle of Change Awards are closely tied to Community Shares mission of promoting a more just & caring community through supporting the work of around 30 social justice member organizations working to address the root causes of poverty, hunger, racism, and seeking positive changes on a systemic level. The Circle of Change awards honor those in our community who give significant time and energy in the service of social change.
2025 Circle of Change Awards &
Community Shares 40th Anniversary
2025 Circle of Change Award Recipients
Danny Mayfield Champion of Change: June Rostan
The Danny Mayfield Champion of Change Award goes to a leader in our community who has championed an initiative or campaign whose goal is to change conditions that create injustice. This year’s award goes to June Rostan for 50 years of working for social justice especially in the areas of labor justice and equality.
Heart of Change Award: Lee Ann Swarm
The Heart of Change award was envisioned as an award to honor those who are often behind the scenes working to strengthen social change organizations and causes. We have resurrected this award (which was retired in 2013) for our 40th Anniversary in order to honor Lee Ann Swarm for her tireless dedication to Community Shares and quite a few of our member groups with both her time and financial support.
Institution for Change: The Bottom
The Institution for Change award goes to a business or institution that demonstrates socially conscious practices in the community. This year’s award goes to The Bottom, a multi-use space for fostering change, building community, celebrating culture, engaging the creativity of Black people through curated events, ongoing projects, shared resources and physical space and to provide a sense of Black safety.
Campaign for Change: Public Schools Strong Tennessee
This year’s Campaign for Change award goes to Public Schools Strong Tennessee for their work to stop private vouchers from defunding public education in favor of private, making education less accessible, and killing jobs in our state. PSS is a coalition of parents, students, educators and community members who are committed to honest, equitable and fully funded public schools.
Click here to purchase tickets, an ad in the program book or make an honorarium.